Representation. Networking. Advancement.

Processing former foodstuffs into feed is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of recycling such substances, as set out in the German Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act and the new EU Directive 2018/851 of 30 May 2018. Our member companies collect, transport and recycle failed batches, returns, damaged goods or production residues with or without packaging. It follows that flexibility, speed and sophisticated logistics are essential service characteristics displayed by the association’s members. On this basis, our members guarantee consistent quality as regards the production of high-quality straight and compound feeds for animal nutrition.


The Federal Association for By-products as Animal Feed (BFaN) represents the interests of member companies who manufacture straight and compound feeds from food industry by-products, acting as an interface between the latter and the authorities, economic associations and the public. The by-products come from the production of bread and bakery products, chocolate, snacks, processed foods and powdered milk products.


The association views the ongoing development of guidelines relating to constructive recycling practices for products and by-products of bread and pasta products, confectionery and processed foods as a central task.


The association aims to promote and support the exchange of specialist, economic and technical insights and experience, both among its members and with other associations, such as the German Association of Animal Nutrition, the Association of German Wholesale Bakeries, the Association of the German Confectionery Industry and the Sugar Industry Association.

The Board of Directors

Sylvia Schulze Niehoff (Chairwoman)
Alexander Romme (Deputy)
Steven Taubert (Deputy)

Phone +49 2381 376310

Shouldering our responsibilities across Europe

The BFaN belongs to the European Former Foodstuff Processors Association (EFFPA).